harmonize with heaven

I hate to admit this, but I often spend more time focusing on the negative than the positive. Sometimes it's because the negative represents problems that need to be worked out, which means my attention may actually be required. But it's a slippery slope.

What we focus on becomes what we "harmonize" with. 

Think of it like a song you're singing along with - ALL. DAY. LONG. - because our thought-habits eventually become the internal soundtrack of our lives.

What we harmonize with resonates through us to others.

This can be great incentive to be more mindful of just what, exactly, you're choosing to focus on, in your thoughts AND your conversations. If you want to be a person who loves others, it helps to be regularly "harmonizing" what the fact that Jesus calls you beloved, and choosing to walk in that truth even when contending with challenges or rejection.

Harmonizing with heaven combats negative thinking.

For most people, the quickest way to harmonize with heaven is through engaging with some form of worship music or spiritual songs, but we also do this when we read scripture, pray, and have spiritual conversations with others where Jesus - not our problems - is our primary focus.

This doesn't mean you should ignore the hard things you are wrestling with, or pretend they aren't a very real part of your daily experience.

It's more a matter of choosing how much brain-time you will allot to the negative, and when you've reached that limit, choosing to recalibrate your inner tuner to the positive for awhile.

How will YOU harmonize with heaven today?

For TRUTH...

- Constance

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