don’t hide your gifts

If you were in a room full of construction workers and needed someone to hammer two pieces of wood together, you'd likely find a quick volunteer, someone for whom hammering comes so naturally it's just an extension of who they are, and who would probably refuse to be paid for the kindness.

No one would think the carpenter prideful for admitting their skill, or expect them to humbly hang in the shadows until it was clear no one else would offer to help.

On the flip side, here in Nashville, if you were to tell a room full of worship leaders that you needed someone to lead the group in an impromptu song, you'd be met with uncomfortable shifting in seats and turning of heads, as everyone contended with what someone might think of them for standing up and confidently doing what God has gifted them to do.

Most would be quick to say yes if asked directly, but terrified to volunteer. Because that would seem prideful, wouldn't it? And God hates pride.

As a person who has spent a lot of time in worship communities, I've seen this exact scenario play out more than once. I've even been guilty of it myself, hoping for someone else to rise up so I can stay under the radar. And I've seen creatives in other spaces - painters, photographers, writers, speakers - shrink back, downplay their gifting, or believe they are undeserving of opportunities to share it.

But what if hiding one's talent is actually as rooted in pride as sharing it might be?

I often tell people, "Satan is more interested in shaming you for your strengths than your weaknesses." If he can convince you that the joy you find in operating fully in your gifting is wrong, unrighteous, or prideful, he'll effectively silence your voice in the places it's needed most.

Yes, pride goes before a fall, and it's true that many with giftings can fall victim to big heads and unholy self-assessments. But we can also be operating in pride when we hide our talents out of fear of people's opinion.

At least in the first group, we're actually stewarding what we've been given.

What gifting do YOU need to stop hiding?

For TRUTH...

- Constance

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