adding vs. adjusting

I just did the math and it's been 22 WEEKS since I last wrote to you. In case you're curious (I was), that's 154 days, 3,696 hours, and 221,760 minutes. Wow. 

In that time, I've been doing a lot of new things, including...

  • Producing and directing a new Christian reality show

  • Taking a part-time staff role at my church

  • Hosting "soaking worship" with my husband

  • Writing a new Bible study

When things started to ramp up last November, I had a choice to make: Do I add? Or do I adjust?

The old me (read: the younger me), would simply have ADDED all these new things to what I was already doing, including faithfully posting this blog every Thursday, keeping up with Instagram, and building my coaching practice.

After years of pushing myself harder than I should have, though, I knew that would not be healthy for me or my family. So I chose to surrender the rhythm I was used to and establish a new one that honors the season I am in.

Your value is not dependent on how much you DO. And God is big enough to take care of the things you need to let go of. 

These two truths have been foundational to me in this season. Every time I start worrying about not looking that impressive on Instagram, or that someone will see my blog looking less than current, I find comfort in remembering that all I need to focus on is whatever God has put in front of me, and that his plan for me doesn't include burnout.

Is your rhythm in need of some adjusting?

  • Maybe you need to let something go.

  • Maybe you need to swap a "good" thing for a "God" thing.

  • Or maybe God's calling you to encourage someone else who struggles in this area...

Whatever your journey looks like right now, Jesus wants you to know that YOU matter more than what you DO. If you are weary, I pray you'll accept his invitation to rest today.

"For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:30). 

For TRUTH...

- Constance

If you enjoyed this post, you might also like the short REELS on my Insta. - cr

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invention requires failure


don’t walk alone