your primary creative language

It’s a new year, and I'm stretching in some new ways, including a little rebranding of my newsletter. I hope you like it. :)

This morning I had a new insight on how to stay creative during busy seasons.

I'm headed into one of those now through April, and I was feeling a little scared I might get so busy "doing" that my creativity would be squelched. As I sat and journaled, I heard this:

"Start each day speaking your primary creative language."

As I contemplated this, it began to resonate. I can use all kinds of words while plowing through being productive, but it's when I'm listening to worship or instrumental music, or sitting at my piano playing and singing, that I feel most in touch with myself and with God. Music is my primary creative language; the more I engage with that expression, the more I hear God's voice, and the more creative I can be.

How to discover your own...

Many people understand music as a "language", but don't get hung up on that word. Ask yourself, "What activities or artistic expressions awaken or increase my awareness of God, and/or my connection with him and with who he's made me to be?"

  • Maybe it's walking in nature.

  • Maybe it's playing with your kids.

  • Maybe it's painting, or drawing, or writing.

  • Maybe it's reading scripture, praying, or journaling.

  • It can even be cleaning the house...

Consider what makes you feel most connected with God and who he created you to be, and then do it.

Once you discover your primary creative language, make sure you're intentional about engaging with it regularly. Every morning, if you can. Because where there's a will, there's always a way.

For TRUTH...

- Constance

If you enjoyed this post, you might also like the short REELS on my Insta. - cr

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rest IS possible